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I can look back at past seasons of my life and see how I tried to rush through them, wishing for the next season of life to come. I can look back and see how easily it was (and can still be) for me to miss the gifts and hidden treasures within the season that I found myself. But this season? It’s different. 

I’ve been in Georgia for almost 4 weeks now and the Lord has been reminding me daily of what a gift this season He has me in is. 

I spent the first two weeks with 20 other alumni racers, staff and serve team members being poured into, challenged and trained in going out/how to lead a new squad in their journey on the race. I also spent these weeks with my immediate leadership team— Cami my mentor (who just so happens to be my previous squad leader on my race/friend!!!) and Victoria my co-leader (this is her 3rd squad alumni leading and I feel so blessed to be able to lead with her!!)— to plan, pray and vision cast for these next 3 months together. 

This time was also filled with so much worship, fun and people celebrating people and the work the Lord is doing in and through each other. I’m not sure what I was expecting coming into leadership training, but the Lord went above and beyond anything that I could imagine. He surrounded me with some solid people and a community who’s heart is for the Lord and seeing others come to know Him in fuller ways. There is something so sweet about the body of Christ- especially when we’re all running towards the same goal- that creates a special bond and unity that’s hard to explain except as a gift. 

On August 27, we headed to Atlanta to parent launch to meet our squads and the new racers!! This was such a sweet time getting to meet everyone for the first time and also meet some parents of the racers we will be leading. Victoria and I will be leading together a squad of 15 individuals!! 

Meet M Squad!! 

The Lord has already done so much in the past 2 weeks that we have all been together as a squad!! We’ve seen people walk into freedom, be set free from past struggles and have new truths spoken into their hearts and minds. We had 4 people baptized from the squad the first week that we were here (including me!!!!) and we’ve celebrated all that the Lord is already doing and will continue to do. The Lord is so faithful and good in allowing us to see some specific prayers that we have prayed over the squad and this time come to fulfillment. 

It’s honestly been such an honor and gift to be a part of what the Lord is doing and I catch myself often just stopping to take it all in with complete gratitude. The Lord has been doing so much in my heart and mind the past month, too. He’s been faithful to provide and has given the best gifts. I feel like I’m living a dream in the best way possible. There are moments where my heart is so full it feels like it could explode!! There’s also been moments where it feels like it’s too much and the enemy starts coming with lies. In both the good and the hard, the Lord has met me in such intentional ways— and that alone is one of the best gifts. It’s been so fun to look back over the past 1.5 years and see how the Lord has brought things full circle in my life. I’m so excited and so expectant to see what He’s going to continue to do during this time and honestly for the rest of my life. Life with God is one of the best adventures for me — never entirely sure what it’s going to look like next but knowing that whatever it is, it’s going to be good because He’s good and He can be trusted with and through it all!!!!

Thank you to everyone who continues to support, encourage and pray for me during this time!! Here are some current prayer requests. 
•We say our goodbyes to our current home (our tents/the AIM base), friends and the USA starting tomorrow as we begin our travel to Nicaragua. Prayers for safe travel and pockets of rest during these travel days.
•Continued unity within the squad and teams. 
•That His Truth would be the voice that we hear and turn to 

So much love to everyone!!!!!


Also, here’s some songs I’ve been listening to recently:

4 responses to “a gift!!”

  1. I love reading your blog and hearing what the Lord is doing in your life!! ???? Praying for your travels to this first stop!! ??Love and miss you! ??