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Thoughts & Inspiration

The past 3 weeks in Honduras has been marked by a lot of joy. Having materialistic pleasures stripped away by living on a mountain has been exactly what I needed in this season. When life gets uncomfortable I can catch myself slipping away into instant but momentary pleasures to help ease the discomfort like scrolling through Instagram, watching a tv show, listening to music in a hot shower or letting my mind wander off into a dream land. Lucky for me (LOL) I don’t have any of that for the majority of the week living in Honduras (we usually are able to get off the mountain twice a week for some WiFi and normal life). It’s caused me to turn to the Lord in those moments and to lean on Him for His strength. It’s caused me to turn to my teammates and friends to verbally process my feelings (still learning) and ask for prayer over situations. It’s caused me to literally search out the good and where God is in the moment. It’s been the sweetest time growing closer to the Lord and reminding myself of Truth even in the hard moments. It’s reminded me daily of the grace that I’m walking in and has produced a heart of gratitude for even the smallest of things. Because God has been here through it all….the stomach aches and the cold showers, the rain storms and treks up the mountain, the sweet conversations and times of digging into the Word, the laughs and prayers and sweet conversations…He is in the middle. It’s been some of the most joyous 3 weeks yet, not because it’s been all easy and all great, but because I can see the hand of God all over these weeks and I’m thankful for it and the fruit its producing in us all.