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Thoughts & Inspiration

With our time in Honduras coming to an end this week, I love looking back and reflecting on the past two months. Living on a mountain definitely had its hard and uncomfortable moments but Honduras brought a lot of growth, freedom and joy for me.

Our second month here the men of our squad left to go to another location and the ladies were left on the mountain. This month was so sweet- women empowering women to step into their gifts and serve alongside our Honduran sisters. Some things we were able to do this past month:

• We put on an event called Beauty for Ashes for the Honduran ladies we serve/live with. This day was so fun! We walked down to a soccer field that was close by and had a “field day”/kick ball game in the morning. The afternoon consisted of a teaching from one of my Squad mates on the life of Daniel and then we had a time of feet washing. The night ended with some worship, pb&j’s by candle light and the distribution of bibles we were able to fundraise for to provide each of the Hondurans with their own personal Bible. It was such a fun day!


• We were able to witness one of our Honduran sisters publicly proclaim her faith in Jesus through baptism!! Also, my best friend felt led to get rebaptized on this day too!!! The life change, growth and freedom that has happened the past months has been so sweet to watch and experience! GOD YOU ARE GOOD.


• Through the baptisms, we were able to meet a 16 year old girl who had just lost her 8 day old baby. The Lord put it on some squad mates hearts to raise money to provide her and her family with groceries. We were able to go back to her house later that week and not only give her the groceries but were able to share the love and hope of Jesus where she then chose to say yes to Him and invite Him into her life!!! Please keep this new sister in your prayers. The brokenness and oppression she’s experienced is heartbreaking and I want nothing more than for her to experience the fullness of Christ’s love and the freedom that’s found in Him.

• Last but not least, my only teammate left on the mountain with me (shout out to lost/las amadas!!!!) and I were able to bring the Word for church the last Sunday we were there. We talked a little about community and the power of prayer and interceding for each other. Honestly, I’m just glad I didn’t pass during this one (if you know you know). GROWTH. (lol) THANKS GOD!!

Some other things I’ll miss about the mountain life:
• Our friends!!!! Serving alongside the Hondurans was such a privilege. They serve with such joy and humility. What an example.

•Rides up and down the mountain. We never really knew if we’d make it up or if someone would fall out of the truck going down but hey, it was fun!!

• Those cold showers after ministry day. Something about that water just hits you differently. (Won’t miss the bathroom though)

• My tent- man MB Suites…I loved you. My tent kinda let me down though during the end…it rained for a week straight and at one point it flooded from the bottom up, corners in and ceiling down. BUT! It held some good conversations and some fun nights. At one point it literally held 4 of us one night to watch a movie. 

• Our sweet kiddo friends and visitors my little tent house. MY HEART- I miss them!!!!

I could probably go on and on about Honduras. God is so kind to do abundantly more than I could have ever dreamed or imagined in this country.

It’s crazy to think we’re half way through the race. Please pray for my squad and I as we get ready to head to SOUTH AFRICA!!!! Please pray that we will all be able to leave and fly out as a squad. Covid is making it a little tricky these days.

I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for this second half!!

5 responses to “Dios es Bueno!”

  1. Wow! Prayers for the young mother and for the transition with the squad!!!????????????
    Love and miss you!!??????

  2. Wow McKayla! You are certainly stretching this year with experiences in two different parts of the world. You are in my prayers, as is your team. Bless all of you daily as you continue to touch people along the way, sharing the goodness of God. You may never know the brokenness of the persons you meet, or even how you have have brought joy to their life. Keep it up! Stay strong! And the happiest of birthdays to you as you celebrate an awesome year in ministry!

  3. Our church is collecting medical supplies to go there sometime i think in sept or october they go every year and help with the school that they have build.Border Buddies Ministries opening in Tegucigalpa . is where the school is at.

  4. It is so good to hear from you!!! Thank you so much for the birthday wish! I hope you are doing well!